REB Jurisdiction Policy
RS-RE-001 Research Ethics Board Jurisdiction, Auspices, and Oversight
Standard Operating Procedures
NS Health Research is developing a Human Research Protection Program. For more SOPs related to institutional operations, please visit the NS Health Intranet -Research and Innovation page.
Section 1: General Administration
1-001 Authority and Purpose
1-002 Development and Maintenance
1-003 Signing Authority
1-004 Training and Education REB Members and Office Personnel
1-005 Management of REB Office Personnel
1-006A Conflic of interest - REB Members ad Office Personnel
1-006B Conflic of interest - Researchers
1-006C Conflic of interest - Organization
1-007 Use of Scanned Signatures
1-008 Use and Disclosure of Personal Health Information
1-009 Health Canada REB Attestation (REBA) Form
Section 2: REB Organization
2-001 Composition of the REB
2-002 Management of the REB
2-003 Responsibilities of REB Members
2-004 Responsibilities of REB Office Personnel
Section 3: Functions and Operations
3-001 REB Submission Requirements and Administrative Review
3-002 REB Meeting Administration
3-003 REB Document Management, Archiving, and Retention
Section 4: Review of Research
4-001 Review of Research
4-002 REB Review of Decisions
4-003 Delegated Review Procedures
4-004 Initial Review - Criteria for REB Approval
4-005 Ongoing Review and Reporting
4-006 Annual Approval Process
4-007 Suspension or Termination of REB Approvals
4-008 Research Completion
4-009 Reporting New or Updated Safety Information
Section 5: Reviews Requiring Special Considerations
5-001 Review Requiring Special Considerations
5-002 Review of Research Involving Human Genetic Research and Research Concerning Human Reproduction
5-003 Review During Publicly Declared Emergencies
Section 6: REB Communication and Notification
6-001 Communication - Investigators and Research Staff
6-002 Communication - Research Participants
Section 7: Informed Consent
HRPP-SOP-004 Consent Development and Obtaining of Consent
Section 8: Responsibilities of Investigators
8-001 Investigator Qualifications and Requirements
Section 9: Quality Management
9-001 Quality Assurance Inspections
9-002 External Inspections or Audits
9-003 Non-Compliance