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The Nova Scotia Health Research Ethics Board's electronic application process is done through the ROMEO Research Portal. If you already have an account, you may log in now.




New to ROMEO?

Complete the ROMEO Investigator Profile Registration form found under "Helpful Documents" side bar to submit a new user registration request. 

Be sure to register using your preferred institutional email as all your correspondence with the Nova Scotia Health REB will be through that email address. Upon receipt of your request, the Research Ethics Office will create your profile and send you a notification to reset your password.

Nova Scotia Health and IWK Health both use the ROMEO platform—you need only one account for all IWK Health and Nova Scotia Health applications.  

If you’re the principal investigator of a non- Health Canada-regulated study and you do not have a Nova Scotia Health affiliation, you must have a Supervising Investigator who is affiliated with or employed by Nova Scotia Health and who will accept the overall clinical and supervisory responsibility during the conduct of the study.


REB Application Templates

All current templates you will need are found in ROMEO within the application form under the "Attachment" tab.  You can also find them under Related documents on the right of this webpage.